7 reasons to visit cultural bazaar – for professional educators


Visit the Cultural Bazaar if you wish to:


1. Receive a compelling professional training; select amongst the various programme options (workshops, lectures, guided theatre, puppet or dance performances, film screenings, exhibition tours …) in accordance with your interests and needs;
2. Save time and energy – the one-day exhibition will inform you on the entire range of Slovenian cultural creativity for children and the youth, all in one place;
3. Personally meet some of the foremost Slovenian artists (musicians, theatre actors and puppeteers, directors, poets and writers, dancers …);
4. Learn how to choose a cultural event suitable for children, pupils or students, get new ideas for first-rate cultural projects to be implemented by the school itself or in cooperation with cultural institutions;
5. Learn how to organize an engaging culture day in preschool institutions, basic or upper-secondary schools and how to book a culture day in a cultural institution;
6. Organise a new extra-curricular activity, an obligatory facultative subject or extended cultural activity or establish a long-term cooperative partnership with a cultural institution or individual artists ...;
7. Assist children and the young people in spending their free time productively and advise them and their parents on creative and imaginative ways of spending school holidays.




Visit the Cultural Bazaar if you wish to:

1. Receive a compelling professional training; select amongst the various programme options (workshops, lectures, theatre, puppet and dance performances or film screenings with an accompanying commentary, exhibition tours…) in line with your interests and requirements;
2. Accept the excellent possibility afforded by the one-day/one-place exhibition of informing children and the young people about the entire range of your institute’s cultural programme;
3. Meet other foremost Slovenian artists (musicians, theatre actors and puppeteers, directors, poets and writers, dancers…) and enter into creative partnerships;
4. Learn how to organize a cultural event suitable for children, pupils or students, get new ideas for first-rate cultural projects to be implemented by your institution independently, or in partnership with other cultural institutions and/or in cooperation with an educational establishment;
5. Instruct Bazaar attendees in organizing an engaging culture day in preschool institutions, basic or upper-secondary schools and in booking a culture day in your institution;
6. Organise a new extra-curricular activity, an obligatory facultative subject or extended cultural programme in an educational establishment or establish a long-term cooperative partnership with an educational establishment;
7. Assist children and the young people in spending their free time productively and advise them and their parents on creative and imaginative ways of spending school holidays.

7 reasons to visit cultural bazaar – for children, young people and culture enthusiasts

Come to the Bazaar if you wish to:


1. Learn why culture is such an important part of our lives;
2. Obtain comprehensive information on the entire range of Slovenian cultural creativity in one place and in one day;
3. Personally meet some of the foremost Slovenian artists (musicians, theatre actors and puppeteers, directors, poets and writers, dancers …);
4. Get to know about the suitable performances and events (theatre, film, music …), which you can attend within or outside your regular school curriculum;
5. Devise your own spare-time cultural programme (attending workshops, events, lectures …);
6. Discover how to spend school holidays creatively;
7. Find out about the numerous complimentary events, organised by cultural institutions throughout the year.





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